Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jim Morrison died of a heroine overdose in a toilet stall...

Official reports of Morrison's death

say he went to a movie with his girlfriend, came home and listened to music and drank wine. He then felt ill so took a bath and his girlfriend found him dead of 'heart failure' in the early hours of the morning.

However rumours circulated that he didnt go to the movies, but instead went to a local bar where he often drank. He had started to use hroine frequently since coming to France and chose to snort the drug due to a fear of needles.

In a new book, Sam Bernett claims Morrison died in a toilet stall at his nightclub after what he believes was a heroin overdose. He writes of his shock on finding Morrison's body: "The flamboyant singer of the Doors, the beautiful California boy, had become an inert lump crumpled in the toilet of a nightclub." In his book 'The End: Jim Morrison', he says he believes two drug dealers brought Morrison's body back to his apartment.

Patrick Chauvel, a war photographer and writer, sometimes helped run the bar at the club.He remembers giving a hand to two men who were carrying Morrison up a staircase and out of the bar.Chauvel went on to tell journalists "I think he was already dead,".

I find it a little suspect that he was spotted in the bar,he was helped out of the bar by a man who thought he was dead and the owner of the club said he found his dead body and saw 2 drug dealers take him out, but yet he "died in a bath tub of heart failure at the age of 27..."

The fact is, Jim is gone. But were we wrong to believe he died peacfully in a bath tub for all these years? Did the Male Sex symbol of the 60's come to a less dignified end on the floor of a Paris public toilet? Did he have a drug overdose at the age of 27 similarily to Janis Joplin and Keith Moon. (Other '27 year old deaths' include Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain...coincidance? oh well thats a theory for another day). According to the french club owner and bartender...yes,thats how the Door's front man met his untimely death-a heroine overdose..

I am aware that this theory is conflicting with my "Jim Morrison faked his own death" theory, but it is not my job to force you to believe something. I give you the facts, what you choose to believe is of your own accord.

As this is my last blog EVER i bid you a hardy fair well truth seekers. And I hope you have enjoyed this relationship as much as I have. From Tupac to Jim Morrison, I have enjoyed every moment.

Thanks,(for the last time)



Good day and enter The Spotlight of Truth. This is the terrain of the new media which is casting off the shackles of the coporate guys who dominate the airwaves and give you a fresh and more importantly true take on the stories and news that you need to know. So if you are looking for eye opening, independent and interesting conspiracies, you've come to the right place. Today my intrepid explorer we're about to debunk the truth behind ghosts. It's truly spine chilling.

The question everyone wants to know is are ghosts real? I think it would be prudent to define real for the sake of this discussion. S omeone sees a ghost and tells another person they saw something. Regardless of how much one might want to believe them, it still comes down to hearsay and the listener is left to decide if it's to be believed. If two people see the same apparitition or entity, then we have some corroboration and we can move forward with more of a solid belief in what they tell us.

People want to believe. Not only would proof give them a confirmation of life after death but it would cement those who have a deep faith in the power of the soul. None of us want to believe that this is all that there is. That life ends with our last breath. That we are nothing more that memories from that point on. Proof of the existence of ghosts lets our human nature be at ease, knowing that we have more to come.
People's conept of what is real is generally based on their own experiences. Some of us have regularly speak to those who have died. Those who have had first hand experiences with ghosts and the breezes, chill, touches, whispers, movement, rearranging and clattering they can cause, are sure of our experience. Its undeniable once you've had interaction with that kind of energy, although many chose to deny it until their next encounter.
Skeptics long to cling to the science of disbelief. They love to denounce the existence of spirits and entities because it makes their narrow view of life acceptable to them. God forbid if someone should actually belief something they have seen with their own eyes, hear with their own ears and experience first hand. Suspending belief is a practice that comes into play when we open ourselves to new and fresh experiences.

There is not a doubt in my mind and no cynic can tell me that there is no such things as ghosts. See life and spirituality through my eyes and you'll see a world through a whole new realistic view.

Ghosts are real. Deal with it!
You have just been enlightened.

By Niall Cranny

The Bell Witch

This is a cosumer warning: WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ MAY SHOCK, FRIGHTEN AND ENLIGHTEN YOU. Here at The Spotlight of Truth we shed light on stories your government does not even want you to know about and tell you secrets which may well boggle your mind. If you are brave enough, venture on, if not go back to your mother. This s**t is not for girls.

In today's article I bring you prehaps the greatest ghost story in American Histroy: The Bell Witch. To potential cynics who may scoff at the existence of witches, this TRUE story may very well open your mind and allow you to comtemplate possibilities your dull brain has never contemplated. Ok mere mortal read on.

John Bell moved with his wife and kids to Red River bottomland in Robertson County (now known as Adams) and bought a cabin and some land. While out walking one day on his land, he spotted what looked like a dog with the head of a rabbit. He got a fright and shot at the mysterious animal however it disappeared into thin air.
Later that night the family suddenly awoke to loud banging and knoocking from outside the house. On every occasion John and his sons, armed with muskets, would investigate the commotion but they could find nothing. Nights passed and the banging became louder and stronger. The witch had made her way into the home and began to attack the children. Betsy, the youngest daughter, had her hair pulled and she was repeatedly beaten, leaving her with red swelling across her bruised body. The witch started to become vocal, first with strange mumblings and this proceeded to crying and singing. As time passed the witch became more audible and vowed to "kill ol' Jack".
John Bell's health took a turn for the worse due to a nervous disorder. Even though John was suffering the Bell Witch was relentless in her beatings. He died on December 20, 1820. After his death his family found a small vial of liquid next to John's bed. The witch was shouting triumphantly that "she had fixed Jack". During his burial, crazy laughter and singing could be heard with the witch vowing to disappear and return seven years later.
The Bell Witch kept to her word and returned to focus her attention on John Jr. However she seemed more subdued. She was calm and they discussed a range of subjects with from Christainity to life and death, also appearantly predicting there would be two World Wars and a Civil War. The witch vanished again and vowed to return in 107 years to Bell's descendants.

Rumour has it that the witch is responsibility for unusual activity in the area as there are reported sightings of ghosts of children playing and invisible people talking. It is difficult to take a picture of the Bell's farm. Locals say that on dark rainy nights, lights can be seen hovering over the fields.
The Bell Witch is an epic tale which has lasted throughout the ages because it is so detailed, harrowing and true and opens the door to the possibility of other paranormal activities such as ghosts and sorcery. There is also the possiblity that The Bell Witch will return and reign terror. After all she had kept to her word before. The impossibility of witches is not an impossibility any longer!

By Niall Cranny

The Bermuda Triangle

Welcome to the spoylight of Truth!

This is Niall Cranny investigating, reporting and publishing the truth on topics most critics couldn't even dare to report, but this reporter has balls of steel. So the question is "Do you feel lucky, punk" to enter the den with me and open your mind to facts and stories that would make Charlie Bird squal with fear! So today my brave companion join me in an expedition to uncover the truth behind - The Bermuda Triangle.

The Bermuda Triangle is exorably associated with time travel, UFO's, missing time and wormholes. Explorers ranging from Christopher Columbus to Charles Lindbergh have witnessed unusual effects, like rotating compasses to witnessing a glowing globe of light that seemed to hovering over the sea.

Prehaps if we want to learn the methods of time travel, we need to investigate the Bermuda triangle thoroughly. Why do so many witnesses claim to see a strange fog or a strange cloud before the mishap happens? Could we find the key to time travel in the midst of the Bermuda Triangle? This reporter thinks so! Surviviors of the Bermuda Triangle complain about distortions in time or missing time. Numerous strange phenomenom have been encountered.

Bruce Gernon flew his plane, a Bonanza A36, into the Bermuda triangle when he came upon non threatening mile and half long lenticular shaped clouds. When he came near this cloud he thought it was unusual because it was so close to the water. Most lenticular shaped clouds are high in the atmosphere. The clound then seemed to come alive. It became huge so much so that it engulfed his plane 5 times. It became the shape of an immense squall and extended 10 miles high.

From a harmless lenticular cloud it became a dangerous curmunlonimbus cloud with a massive thunderhead. A tunnel opened up in the cloud and he went through it. The tunnel had cloud trails swirling around his plane. While going through it, he experienced zero gravity and the only thing keeping him in the cockpit was his seatbelt. He survived this ordeal, but its an experience he will never forget.

In 1901 Ann Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain stepped into mist and arrived a period before the French Revolution. Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet said that Atlantis would rise in 1968 or 1969 and in that time frame we discovered the strange roads of Bimimi. Would a great civilisation like Atlantis be tempted by the properties of the Bermuda Triangle? Could the Bermuda Triangle also serve as an energy source for a great civilisation? Who knows what crazy, bat s**t lurks in those murky waters! The mist and ominous clouds maybe the key to time travel or entering other dimensions!

In this humble correspondent's opinion, we need teams of scientists to study the Bermuda Triangle. It's a phenomenon that maybe able to open many doors literally. Prehaps we can truly find Stargate!
By Niall Cranny

The Chicago Resurrection Mary

Ok Folks, are ya prepared for some spine-tingling eerie paranormal true story. If so and if you are prepared for the consequences; nightmares, peeing in your pants etc., proceed with caution as we delve into the legend of Chicago's Resurrection Mary.

In January of 1979, a chicago cab driver stopped to pick up a female passenger at the front gates of Resurrection Cemetry, the final resting place of more than 150,000 souls. But before he could let her in the mysterious woman disappeared. The cab driver had just met Chicago's most famous ghost "Resurrection Mary".

As the story goes, the first person ever to encounter Resurrection Mary was Jerry Palus. The year was 1939. The place a Chicago dance hall where Jerry was a regular. Jerry was captivated by a young blonde woman in a white gown and immediately asked her to dance. He learned little about her, except that her name was Mary and she lived on the south side of town. He danced with the young woman all night. When it was time to leave Jerry offered Mary a ride home. Jerry followed her directions and took her to Archer Road. When Jerry reached Archer Road, he found themselves in front of Resurrection Cemetry and he let Mary out of the car. It was at that moment that that she vanished before his eyes. Jerry persumed he was drunk and thought nothing of it. The next day, wanting to find the mysterious womon, he found the house where the woman said she lived. An elderly woman answered when he knocked and he asked for her daughter. The woman told him that her daughter, Jerry's date, had been dead 5 years. Jerry was flabergasted. The woman from the previous night was a ghost.

Years later a historian learned the ghost was believed to be the restless spirit of young woman named Mary Bregovy. Mary Bregovy had been killed in a tragic accident in 1931, a month before her 21st birthday. She was laid to rest in Resurrection Cemetery in her favourite white gown.

Over the years, Resurrection Mary has been seen many times in the vicinity of Archers Road looking for a lift home. Another infamous sighting of "Resurrection Mary" was made by Clare Rudnick in 1980. Claire spotted Mary while driving along the front of Resurrection Cemetery. She saw on the right hand side of the road, a girl walking. She was extremely bright, like illuminating. She was walking very slowly. She remembers thinking "oh my God it's Resurrection Mary's ghost". She was terrified. Janet Kalai and a friend also claim to have seen Resurrection Marywhen out for an evening drive near Resurrection Cemetery when a young woman stepped in front of the car. "There was no impact, there was no bump to say you know I had hit something. But I know I had hit something, but I know she ran at the car and I hit her" recalled Janet.

Does the ghost of Mary Bregovy really haunt Chicago? Or is Resurrection Mary just an urban myth? In any case should you find youslef driving through the streets of Chicago late one night and happen to spot a pale young woman in a flowing white gown, you might think twice about offering her a ride.

By Niall Cranny

Monday, April 26, 2010

William Desmond Taylor

This is for all conspiracy enthusiasts. I thought I would save the best for last. I first read about it in a small book called 'The worlds greatest secrets'. There are many theories of the truth behind the death of a 1920's filmmaker originating from Carlow. The case of William Desmond Taylor has never been solved and there are many theories why so. As I do not have a resolution to this brilliant piece of hollywood history, that is virtually unknown to most people, I will start with the cold hard facts.
  • In the early morning hours of February 2nd, 1922 Taylor was found shot to death in his bungalow.
  • During the inquest that followed several witnesses came forward, reporting that they had seen a young, dark-haired man leaving Taylor's house the night of February 1st.
  • Studio officials were first on the scene and alleged to have removed key evidence long before the police and coroner arrived to begin investigation and secure the murder scene.
  • Taylor was seeing actress Mabel Normand at the time of his death.
  • She was a cocaine user, and Taylor had gone to the federal government for help in stopping the pushers who were selling her drugs.
  • William was reported to be bisexual.
  • He was in an 8 year long relationship with the actor George Hopkins.
  • This was frowned upon by 1920's society.
  • Taylor's murder occoured just after the 'fatty arbuckle' scandal.
  • Hollywood was keen to clean up its act.
  • Reports of finding some of Mary Miles Minter's personal belongings (including a monogrammed underwear) in his bungalow and her being suspected of the murder effectually ended her career in pictures.
  • Taylor's jewelry and money had not been taken, and nothing valuable seemed to have been removed from the house.
Let's take a closer look...

About six months before Taylor's murder, Edward Sands,Taylor's ex-valet disappeared after forging several checks with Taylor's signature and taking off with his employer's valuables and car.He was searched for immediately after his disappearance in 1921, and again after Taylor's death. He was never found.

There was a love note of adolescent enthusiasm, complete with symbols of love and kisses, found in Taylor's apartment. Second, there was the pink nightgown, conveniently monogrammed with "MMM." (Mary Miles Minter!).

Minter's mother,Charlotte Shelby, was extremely protective of her daughter. Mary Miles Minter was the source of the wealth that Shelby needed to maintain her Hollywood lifestyle. She wasn't an unlikely suspect.

Taylor, in 1903, abandoned a wife and baby daughter in New York and struck off for points west.Taylor's younger brother, Denis Cunningham Deane-Tanner, also abandoned his wife. Williams brother's abandoned wife recognized Taylor in a movie, and Taylor, when confronted, denied that Denis was his brother. But he relented and helped to support his sister-in-law for the rest of his life.

In closing,the most likely suspect was Mary Miles Minter. She was an up and coming actress . Her mother would do anything to protect her extravagant lifestyle. Perhaps MMM's mother hired somebody to murder Taylor?...The best that can be achieved is a very good speculation. The William Desmond Taylor case has to this day never been solved due to insufficient clear stable evidence to convict anybody of the murder.

Well this is the last of my blogs for a while.Maybe if i hear any news about this case or any other interesting Conspiracy theorys i will blog about them.as always...

Until next time,


The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and surface vessels have disappeared. Some people have claimed that these disappearances fall beyond the boundaries of human error or acts of nature. Some of these disappearances have been attributed to the paranormal, a suspension of the laws of physics, or activity by extraterrestrial beings by popular culture. Though a substantial documentation exists showing numerous incidents to have been inaccurately reported or embellished by later authors, and numerous official agencies have gone on record as stating the number and nature of disappearances to be similar to any other area of ocean, many have remained unexplained despite considerable investigation.

Triangle writers have used a number of supernatural theories to explain the events. One explanation pins the blame on leftover technology from the lost continent of Atlantis. Sometimes connected to the Atlantis story is the submerged rock formation known as the Bimini Road off the island of Bimini in the Bahamas, which is in the Triangle by some definitions. Followers of the purported psychic Edgar Cayce take his prediction that evidence of Atlantis would be found in 1968 or '69 as referring to the discovery of the Bimini Road. Believers describe the formation as a road, wall, or other structure, though geologists consider it to be of natural origin.
Other writers attribute the events to UFOs. This idea was used by Steven Spielberg for his film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, which features the lost Flight 19 as alien abductees.
Charles Berlitz, grandson of a distinguished linguist and author of various additional books on anomalous phenomena, has kept in line with this extraordinary explanation, and attributed the losses in the Triangle to anomalous or unexplained forces.

Pearl Harbour...

In the summer of 1940 Roosevelt ordered the Pacific to relocate from the West Coast to Hawaii. When its commander, Admiral Richardson, protested that Pearl Harbor offered inadequate protection from air and torpedo attack he was replaced.
On October 7 1940 Navy IQ analyst McCollum wrote an eight-point memo for Roosevelt on how to force Japan into war with U.S., including an American oil embargo against Japan. All of them were eventually accomplished.
On 23 June 1941 - one day after Hitler's attack on Russia - Secretary of the Interior and FDR's Advisor Harold Ickes wrote a memo for the President in which he pointed out that "there might develop from the embargoing of oil to Japan such a situation as would make it not only possible but easy to get into this war in an effective way. And if we should thus indirectly be brought in, we would avoid the criticism that we had gone in as an ally of communistic Russia."
On 18 October Ickes noted in his diary: "For a long time I have believed that our best entrance into the war would be by way of Japan."
The U.S. had cracked key Japanese codes before the attack. FDR received "raw" translations of all key messages. On 24 September 1941 Washington deciphered a message from the Naval Intelligence HQ in Tokyo to Japan's consul-general in Honolulu, requesting grid of exact locations of U.S. Navy ships in the harbor. Commanders in Hawaii were not warned.
Sixty years later the U.S. Government still refuses to identify or declassify many pre-attack decrypts on the grounds of "national security"!
On November 25 Secretary of War Stimson wrote in his diary that FDR said an attack was likely within days, and asked "how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without too much danger to ourselves. In spite of the risk involved, however, in letting the Japanese fire the first shot, we realized that in order to have the full support of the American people it was desirable to make sure that the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should remain no doubt in anyone's mind as to who were the aggressors."
On November 25 FDR received a "positive war warning" from Churchill that the Japanese would strike against America at the end of the first week in December. This warning caused the President to do an abrupt about-face on plans for a time-buying modus vivendi with Japan and it resulted in Secretary of State Hull's deliberately provocative ultimatum of 26 November 1941 that guaranteed war.
On November 26 Washington ordered both US aircraft carriers, the Enterprise and the Lexington, out of Pearl Harbor "as soon as possible". This order included stripping Pearl of 50 planes or 40 percent of its already inadequate fighter protection. On the same day Cordell Hull issued his ultimatum demanding full Japanese withdrawal from Indochina and all China. U.S. Ambassador to Japan called this "The document that touched the button that started the war."
On November 29 Hull told United Press reporter Joe Leib that Pearl Harbor would be attacked on December The New York Times reported on December 8 ("Attack Was Expected," p. 13) that the U.S. knew of the attack a week earlier.
On December 1 Office of Naval Intelligence, ONI, 12th Naval District in San Francisco found the missing Japanese fleet by correlating reports from the four wireless news services and several shipping companies that they were getting signals west of Hawaii.
On 5 December FDR wrote to the Australian Prime Minister, "There is always the Japanese to consider. Perhaps the next four or five days will decide the matters."
Barcodes are really intended to Control people???

Some conspiracy theorists have proposed that barcodes are really intended to serve as means of control by a putative world government, or that they are Satanic in intent. Mary Stewart Relfe claims in "The New Money System 666" that barcodes secretly encode the number 666 - the Biblical "Number of the Beast". This theory has been adopted by other fringe figures such as the "oracle" Sollog, who refuses to label any of his books with barcodes on the grounds that "any type of computer numbering systems mandated by any government or business is part of the prophecy of the beast controlling you."

September 11 was orchestrated by the U. S. government
The U.S., Israel or Iraq government orchestrated the attacks themselves.
The Twin Towers fell straight down, at close to free-fall speed. This is a similar characteristic of a controlled demolition. The dust cloud and its make up are considered un-characteristic of a gravity-driven collapse.
It is often pointed out that no steel building before or since the 9-11 attack has collapsed as the result of fire.
The rubble of the Twin Towers smoldered for weeks after the collapse. This claim is meant to point out that steel could only have smoldered as a result of pre-placed explosives.
Some consider photographic evidence of the plane lying on the grounds of the Pentagon to be ambiguous and unconvincing, citing a visual lack of burnt metal, human remains, passenger's luggage or seats.
The Pentagon was struck in a newly renovated, reinforced section. Some speculate this location, the west side of the complex, to be indicative of government involvement, noting it as an attempt to reduce casualties.
Flight 77 was able to fly in the direction of the DC and Pentagon area for approximately 40 minutes without interception. This is thought to be unusual given the Pentagon's close proximity to Andrews Air Force Base.
There are claims that anti-missile batteries at the Pentagon should have intercepted Flight 77.
The FBI confiscated a video, which may have captured the impact, from a nearby gas station attended by Jose Velasquez. This video has not yet been released.

The Truth is out there, on Area 51

The secretive nature of Area 51 and undoubted connection to classified aircraft research, together with reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area 51 to become a centerpiece of modern UFO and conspiracy theory folklore. Some of the unconventional activities claimed to be underway at Area 51 include:
The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft (including material supposedly recovered at Roswell), the study of their occupants (living and dead), and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology.
Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials.
The development of exotic energy weapons (for SDI applications or otherwise) or means of weather control.
Activities related to a supposed shadowy world government.
1. Alien spacecraft storage: Storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft
2. Study of aliens: Examination of dead aliens that came in UFOs and interrogation of living aliens
3. Manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology
4. Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials
5. Energy weapons: Development of exotic energy weapons said to be many times deadlier
6. Weather control: Established means of weather control or experiments undergoing over it
7. Time travel: Establishedmeans of time travel ordevelopment of time travel technology
8. Aurora aircraft: Development of unusual and exotic propulsion systems related to the Aurora Aircraft Program (a cutting age spy plane)
9. Politics and secret society: Activities related to a supposed shadowy one world government and/or the Majestic Twelve organization (A secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, supposedly formed in 1947 by an executive order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman to investigate UFO activity)
10. Simulation of moon's environment: In 2000-2001, Fox Television broadcast a show about Apollo moon landing hoax accusations, in which it was suggested that the entire moon landing in 1969 was a hoax and was filmed in parts of Area 51
11. Misdirection attempt: During the mid 1990s, the most secret work previously done in Area 51 was quietly moved to other facilities and the continued secrecy around is largely a successful attempt at misdirection.
The 1996 documentary Dreamland directed by Bruce Burgess included an interview with a 71 year old mechanical engineer who claimed to be a former employee at Area 51 during the 1950s, working on a "flying disc simulator" built to train US Pilots, based on a disc originating from a crashed extraterrestrial craft. During his career at Area 51 he claimed to have worked with an extraterrestrial being whose name was "J-Rod", described as a telepathic translator
Founder...Adam Weishaupt
"The Illuminati"

Latin meaning "enlightened" this is a name that refers to several groups.. Historical and modern..Both real and fictitious. Apparently this is a secret society founded on May 1, 1776. Many people believe that the Illuminati are the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of such a New World Order!!
The movement was set up by freethinkers. Writers at that time such as Seth Payson believed that the movement represented a conspiracy to infiltrate and overthrow the governments of European States. Some writters believe that the Illuminati were behind the French Revolution.
The Illuminati's members pledged obedience to their superiors, and were divided into three main classes, each with several degrees. The order had its branches in most countries of the European continent it reportedly had around 2,000 members over the span of ten years. Illuminati chapters drew membership from existing Masonic lodges. Internal rupture and panic over succession preceded its downfall, which was effected by the Secular Edict made by the Bavarian government in 1785.
In the 1950s and 1960s, members of the John Birch Society made much of this supposed 'shadow' organization, using it as an effective substitute for their anti-Semitism. Perhaps some of the confusion regarding the organization is due to the fact that over time, the word illuminati came to be used more expansively for many enthusiasts of Enlightenment, including but not limited to the followers of Emmanuel Swedenborg. The Illuminati's connection with Freemasonry was date-specific (the late 1700s) and place-specific (what is now Germany) it had no involvement in Freemasonry elsewhere despite fanciful claims. Even the oft-mentioned 'Proofs of A Conspiracy' written in 1797 by Robison notes that the Illuminati's brand of Freemasonry was not the same Freemasonry as found in England and from which all other legitimate Masonic lodges today can trace their ancestry.

“The Priory of Sion”

The Priory of Sion is a name given to multiple groups, both real and fictional. The most notorious is a fringe fratemal organizational, founded and dissolved in France in 1956 by Pierre Plantard. In the 1960s, Plantard created a fictitious history for that organisation, describing it as a secret society founded in the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099, which serves in the interests of the Merovingian dynasty and its alleged bloodlines. The priory allegedly protected the Merovingian dynasty because they may be the only descendants of Jesus and his alleged wife Mary Magdalene..traced further back to King David.

The official emblem of the Priory of Sion is partly based on the fleur-de-lis, which was a symbol particularly associated with the French monarchy.

Alleged masters of the Priory of Sion. The mythical Priory was supposedly led by a “Nautionnier” an old French word for navigator, which means Grand master.
Jean de Gisors (1188–1220)
Marie de Saint-Clair (1220–1266)
Guillaume de Gisors(1266–1307)
Edouard de Bar (1307–1336)
Jeanne de Bar (1336–1351)
Jean de Saint-Clair (1351–1366)
Blanche d'Evreux (1366–1398)
Nicolas Flamel(1398–1418)
René d'Anjou (1418–1480)
Iolande de Bar (1480–1483)
Sandro Filipepi(1483–1510)
Léonard de Vinci (1510–1519)
Connétable de Bourbon (1519–1527)
Ferdinand de Gonzague (1527–1575)
Louis de Nevers (1575–1595)
Robert Fludd (1595–1637)
J. Valentin Andrea (1637–1654)
Robert Boyle (1654–1691)
Isaac Newton (1691–1727)
Charles Radclyffe (1727–1746)
Charles de Lorraine (1746–1780)
Maximilian de Lorraine (1780–1801)
Charles Nodier (1801–1844)
Victor Hugo (1844–1885)
Claude Debussy (1885–1918)
Jean Cocteau (1918–1963)

This was the statement he made to the BBC in 1996:
"The Priory of Sion doesn't exist anymore. We were never involved in any activities of a political nature. It was four friends who came together to have fun. We called ourselves the Priory of Sion because there was a mountain by the same name close-by. I haven't seen Pierre Plantard in over 20 years and I don't know what he's up to but he always had a great imagination. I don't know why people try to make such a big thing out of nothing."

Kanye West vs. Taylor (STAGED)

So by now it's probably a given. Every year Kanye West somehow manages to ruin and up and coming bands big moment at an MTV award show. But how come its only ever at an MTV award show? Looks very conspiracy-esque to me.Lets look into this one...
In modern times it's no seceret that record sales have hit an all time low with piracy on the rise (With the recession and filesharing). So what do you do to renew interest in buying music?Stage an 'unforseen event' to switch up the intrests of the customer.
You see, MTV are one of the biggest/respected names in the music industry and are recognized the world over. Only they could put on a show elaborate enough to fool everybody.
Mtv were smart in what they did. When you think about it.In modern television, a fair percentage is made up of reality tv. But why do people watch these reality tv shows? Well for numerous reasons but primarily the dramatics. Besides reality tv what's one of the most used storys/plots for tv shows? The rise and fall of course!...
Now! taking into account these elements of quote/unquote 'forms of entertainment, what did we witness that VMA award show?..
.. Kanye West putting down an up and coming young musical artist and shatter her big night's potential. When people saw this they felt sorry for her and went out to buy her album in support.
Taylor Swift wasn't warned so that she wouldn't have to "act" and it would be real.Taylor Swift wasn't warned so that she wouldn't have to "act" and it would be a realistic reaction.
In closing,Everybody is a winner!...
Kanye - ''there is no such thing as bad publicity''.He has a reputation for being a bit of an ass hole and that shifts his records.
Mtv got alot of hits on their site with massive traffic trying to see the video .Traffic=money.and they had a great share of the viewership that night with everyone expeting a KANYE
Finally the big winner is taylor. She sold alot of records after the whole stunt and is still selling massive ammounts (more so in america than anywhere else.) to her fans and just people in general wanting to support her.
Until next time,

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ohio Players Scream.

The cover of the album "Honey" by the Ohio Players,the picture depicts a nude model kneeling atop what appears to be a sheet of glass, dripping honey all over herself from a ladle suspended above her head. The original UL was that the glass was actually Fiberglas (or some other synthetic), which reacted chemically with the honey, bonding her skin, like Superglue, to the Fiberglas.
Freeing her ripped the skin off her legs, and her career as a model was ruined. So on the day that their song 'Love Roller coaster' was being recorded live in the recording studio she bursts in and starts threatening to sue the band for everything they're worth. The band's manager stabs her to death right there in the control booth, and that's what some people believe to be the scream you hear in the song(It can be heard at around 12-15 seconds in).
Although this theory is highly unlikely ,It makes for an interesting story. Let's pretend it did happen.Why wouldn't they just edit out the scream or re-record it in its entirety?That's up to you to decide.
Until next time,

The Forever 27 Club

As early as the 60’s fans began to notice their favorite rock stars were literally short lived. In an industry noted for drug and alcohol induced lyrics it’s almost a surprise when a musical artist actually manages to outlive their career. The strange part is in the number who died at the age of 27 years. Most were at the peak or just on the downside of their fame when fate made sure their fans would never see them grow old.

Jim Morrison:

The legendary frontman of one of the worlds first rock bands who defined a generation. He tragically died aged 27 in Paris on 3 July 1971. Jim Morrison and The Doors continue to inspire musicians of all ages.

Kurt Cobain:

Kurt Cobain's influence on the music scene marked a dramatic shift in 90's rock and he attracted a worldwide loyal following. As a teenager he joked about joining the 27 club.On 8 April 1994 he was found dead at his home with a shotgun wound to the head aged 27.

Jimi Hendrix:

One of the greatest ever rock guitarists, this American guitarist, music producer and singer songwriter provided the sound track to a generation. The circumstances of his death aged 27, on 18 September 1970 have never been fully explained.

Brian Jones:

Musician Brian Jones was a founder member of the Rolling Stones and was thought to have come up with the name of the band. It was said he could learn any instrument in less than thirty minutes. Jones was found motionless at the bottom of his swimming pool on 3 July 1969.

Janis Joplin:

The American singer-songwriter was described by Time Magazine as: "Probably the most powerful singer to emerge from the white rock movement in the sixties." She died of a drug overdose at the age of 27 on 4 October 1970.

All of these musicians were found in very unusual circumstances.They were all changing the Industry in their own way.They are very commonly recognized as the face of their generation.There is definitely something to this theory as a curse in itself.There are many other artists who died at the age of 27 ,however these five i thought were the most recognizable.

Untill next time,


The Curse of ATUK!

At a glance a film about a young eskimo leaving his family to explore the modern world of toronto might seem like a typical fish out of water story?harmless even.WRONG!, supposedly The Atuk script which has never been made into a film is cursed. This theory comes after everyone who was given the role of ATUK died.

The Atuk Curse has become one of the best known urban legends of Hollywood. Its first victim, supposedly, was John Belushi, who had read the script and was reportedly enthusiastic about taking on the role of Atuk. Shortly afterwards, he was found dead of a drug overdose in 1982.
The curse's next alleged victim was Sam Kinison, who took on the role in 1987 and filmed at least one scene for the film before he grew dissatisfied with the script and quit. He ultimately died in an automobile accident in 1992.
The curse would strike again in 1994 when John Candy, who had been approached for the role of Atuk, was reading the script when he suddenly died of a heart attack, on March 4 (the day before the 12th anniversary of Belushi's death). Some believe the curse struck twice that year, since in November Michael O'Donoghue died of a cerebral hemorrhage. O'Donoghue was a writer and comedian who was also a friend of Belushi and Kinison and, the story goes, had read the script before recommending it to them.

The final victim of the Atuk Curse, to date, is said to be Chris Farley, who idolized John Belushi. Like his idol, he was up for the role of Atuk, and was about to accept when, also like his idol, he died of a drug overdose in December 1997. Although according to some versions the curse would strike once more only six months later in May 1998 when Farley's friend and former Saturday Night Live cast-mate, Phil Hartman was murdered by his wife. Farley is said to have shown the Atuk script to Hartman, before his death, and was encouraging him to take a co-starring role.

Atuk has not and, due to its infamy (along with the fact so many involved with it seem to keep dying), in all likelihood never will be made into a film.
Until next time,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Even More Kennedy Conspiracy for ye!

Was the Kennedy Assassiniation Fixed?

Ah the Kennedy Assassination: one of the world's favorite conspiracies and the one with the most theories behind it.

My favorite theory is:

John F. Kennedy was elected as President in 1960, when in reality fellow candidate Richard Nixon should have won by a single vote. So how did Kennedy win then? The Mafia thats how: they arranged 10,000 votes from the graveyard and got votes for Nixon disqualified. Kennedy then magically forgot his debts to the Mafia and got the Justice Dept. to eradicate organised crime in America which made the Mafia angry.

They then went on to set up Lee Harvey Oswald to shoot him. But they couldn't leave it at that. They knew that if Oswald were to be given a trial he'd be protected by the police and would testify against them so they got Jack Ruby to shoot him. Ruby was a nightclub owner and has been linked to the Mafia.
Mystery Solved!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

American Presidential Conspiracy!

Here is a little history mystery to keep ye scratching your heads!

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F.. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Now it gets really weird.
Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln .

Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born
in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Now hang on to that seat of yours!
Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford'. Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford'.

Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse. Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe , Maryland A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

Now a little monetary conspiracy:

1) Fold a NEW $20 bill in half...

2) Fold again, taking care to fold it exactly as below...

3) Fold the other end, exactly as before...

4) Now, simply turn it over...

What a coincidence! A simple geometric fold creates a catastrophic premonition printed on all $20 bills!!!

As if that wasn't enough.... Here is what you've seen...
Firstly The Pentagon on fire...

Then The Twin Towers.

.And now .. look at this!

It gets even better 9 + 11 = $20!


New World Order

Hi again children of the flowering truth. Today I have discovered the background information that will blow you mind inside out. Inside out. I have, after years of searching, the people that control the gears of civilisation. Today I shall share these truths with you, my family.

The 20th century. Ring a bell? In this century advancements were made in science and every other field of human interest. Space, the ocean and our mother earth have been explored like never before. Why? Strange question you might say. The answer however is not one that you would have thought. We are being ruled by undead eaters of the flesh. This is you they are,

Abraham Lincoln,

James Garfield,

William McKinley,

John F. Kennedy,

And the ruler of them,

Isoroku Yamamoto.

That's right, you thought they were dead but they are not. While else would each of them stage a 'assassination'. So they could CONTROL the world, that's right. CONTROL the world. When the rest of you sheep are going about your day, these are the people that make you do the things that you do. WITHOUT thinking. THINK about it. If you do you shall surely realise that I am right.

Yamamoto? Who is he? Well first of all held several important posts in the Imperial Japanese Navy and what did they get up to? WW2, that was the key to the puzzle. The game that set America up to be the world super power it is today was all a deal between the Japanese and the American goverment. THINK about it and you will find that I am right.

Global zombies - 0

Spotlight of truth - 1

Once again the uncomforable winds of falsehood have been damed by the flare of our spotlight. Our spotlight of truth.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Doors frontman Jim Morrison faked his own death

This particular conspiracy is a short but valid one,it will have you filling in the blanks yourself.

It was well known that Jim was sick to death (excuse the pun) of his rock star status and thought of himself more like a poet than a rock-star. However he had grown very tired of his fans discarding his poetry for his music. He had a serious drinking and drugs problem and it was well documented that he was depressed. He was facing jail time after charges were brought against him for exposing himself on stage and public inhibition. So he and his girlfriend moved to Paris to await charges.

The suspicious facts-
He left the doors before moving to Paris and said his goodbyes to his band members.
The only person who saw his 'dead' body was his girlfriend and a french doctor.
His girlfriend told the newspapers a few hours later that he wasn't dead,that he was ill but recovering in hospital.
It is French custom not to do autopsies so there was none ever performed on Jim.
At his funeral, band member John Densmore's initial reaction to seeing his coffin was "That is too small to have Jim inside".
There have been many sightings of Jim since his alleged death including a man coming out claiming to be the "Lizard King" himself recently enough.

Whether or not he is alive,it raises some interesting questions. The main one being, what would the world of music be like today if one of the most influential artists of the 1960's and early 70's hadn't have gone from our radar?


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Protect your brain waves

Hello legions of fans and followers,

Today is an important day for each and every one of you. Today is a day that will be remember forever in the hearts of true believers as the day that you, the masses, were freed from the 'powers that be' and allowed to breath in the fresh air of liberty.
Today I shall give instructions to build your 'safe mind' device. The safe mind device as been derided in many circles as paranoid or even by right wing DRONE ant-people workers as crazy but don't let these idiot fools steer you astray, the safe mind device works and can be easily created in your very own home.
First you shall have to get a roll of tin foil and unravel it. The tin can then be wrapped directly onto the head to first fashioned into a stylish cone. Yes friends and EVIL goverment spies that spy on my blog, I'm talking about the tin foil hat. This may seem like a step to far for some of you but that is only because the goverment don't want you to have a safe mind. DO YOU?
YES. So here are the factoids. By using half-millimetre-thick tin foil, radiation above about 20 kHz is blocked from entering your virgin brain, this includes both the FM and the AM bands. IF you this this is TOO MUCH then MAYBE you should do some more research into the darling clinical trails performed by the darling goverment of the US. Have you ever heard of Electromagnetic hearing
No? Shocking? YES. The very same WORLD power that you think protects your babies is in fact making you a better retard slave. How does that make you feel? Well before you think make sure that you wrap your head in tin foil because otherwise the only thing that you think is what the US power suckers want you to think.

Electromagnetic hearing - 0
Spotlight of truth - 1

So until next time, friends of freedom, when the waterfall of filth will be filtered by our spotlight. Our spotlight of truth.