This is a cosumer warning: WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ MAY SHOCK, FRIGHTEN AND ENLIGHTEN YOU. Here at The Spotlight of Truth we shed light on stories your government does not even want you to know about and tell you secrets which may well boggle your mind. If you are brave enough, venture on, if not go back to your mother. This s**t is not for girls.
In today's article I bring you prehaps the greatest ghost story in American Histroy: The Bell Witch. To potential cynics who may scoff at the existence of witches, this TRUE story may very well open your mind and allow you to comtemplate possibilities your dull brain has never contemplated. Ok mere mortal read on.
John Bell moved with his wife and kids to Red River bottomland in Robertson County (now known as Adams) and bought a cabin and some land. While out walking one day on his land, he spotted what looked like a dog with the head of a rabbit. He got a fright and shot at the mysterious animal however it disappeared into thin air.
Later that night the family suddenly awoke to loud banging and knoocking from outside the house. On every occasion John and his sons, armed with muskets, would investigate the commotion but they could find nothing. Nights passed and the banging became louder and stronger. The witch had made her way into the home and began to attack the children. Betsy, the youngest daughter, had her hair pulled and she was repeatedly beaten, leaving her with red swelling across her bruised body. The witch started to become vocal, first with strange mumblings and this proceeded to crying and singing. As time passed the witch became more audible and vowed to "kill ol' Jack".
John Bell's health took a turn for the worse due to a nervous disorder. Even though John was suffering the Bell Witch was relentless in her beatings. He died on December 20, 1820. After his death his family found a small vial of liquid next to John's bed. The witch was shouting triumphantly that "she had fixed Jack". During his burial, crazy laughter and singing could be heard with the witch vowing to disappear and return seven years later.
The Bell Witch kept to her word and returned to focus her attention on John Jr. However she seemed more subdued. She was calm and they discussed a range of subjects with from Christainity to life and death, also appearantly predicting there would be two World Wars and a Civil War. The witch vanished again and vowed to return in 107 years to Bell's descendants.
Rumour has it that the witch is responsibility for unusual activity in the area as there are reported sightings of ghosts of children playing and invisible people talking. It is difficult to take a picture of the Bell's farm. Locals say that on dark rainy nights, lights can be seen hovering over the fields.
The Bell Witch is an epic tale which has lasted throughout the ages because it is so detailed, harrowing and true and opens the door to the possibility of other paranormal activities such as ghosts and sorcery. There is also the possiblity that The Bell Witch will return and reign terror. After all she had kept to her word before. The impossibility of witches is not an impossibility any longer!
By Niall Cranny
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