Saturday, March 6, 2010

aeroplanes - The bringers of death

Hi there, truth thinkers. This is again another exciting ride to the border of truth and then a leap far far beyond. Have you ever looked up at the sky on a clear day and seen aeroplanes going from place to place. Yeah? Well if you have then you must of noticed that behind those metal birds of the sky there was a pale trail following it. Yeah? Well let me then tell you the truth. That trail was not 'condensation trails' as the scientists would have you believe but are actually chemical death sprays that are killing you and your whole family. HEY WAKE UP. If you want to live in your fantasy dream world where people are just 'having a good time' then you probably would be better off just killing yourself.
Wait though, before we do anything rash we probably just have a look at the 'official' explanation. This is that contrails are artificial clouds that are the visible trails of condensed water vapour made by the exhaust of aircraft engines. As the hot exhaust gases cool in the surrounding air they may precipitate a cloud of microscopic water droplets. If the air is cold enough, this trail will comprise tiny ice crystals. Does that make sense? OF COURSE NOT. What the hell do they think we are? Mindless monkey flabber people? Well we ARE NOT.
The truth is that these are 'chemtrails' or in other words, trails of smelly horrible death. YES. And these are sprayed on you every single day. Otherwise why would the experts say this

"Chemtrails, coming from "chemical trails" in the same fashion that contrail comes from "condensation trail" is a term coined to suggest that contrails are formed by something other than a natural process of engine exhaust hitting the cold air in the atmosphere. Chemtrail conspiricists characterize these chemical trails as streams that persist for hours, and by their criss-crossing, grid-like patterns, or parallel stripes which eventually blend to form large clouds. Proponents view the presence of visible color spectra in the streams, unusual concentrations of sky tracks in a single area, or lingering tracks left by unmarked or military airplanes flying in atypical altitudes or locations as markers of chemtrails".

Spotlight of truth - 1
'Contrails' - 0

Never fear friend, I have my marvellous nose on the trail to the truth. Once again the mould of cons has been shifted by the suffocating heat of our spotlight. Our spotlight of truth.


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