Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Elvis is..,Alive?

Ever since Elvis Presley's untimely death many rumors have circulated of his living in a mountain ,underground or just has a new identity. Perhaps the best starting point would be that of his funeral...

The Wax Body Theory.

This argument is very convincing when the facts are considered. Elvis's coffin required several pall bearers because it weighed 900 pounds. Attendants of the funeral reported that the air around the coffin was rather cool. It is suspected that the coffin contained an air conditioning unit to keep a wax body cool - a wax body that was a replica of the King designed to fool funeral-goers. And how did the Presley family get a 900 pound, custom made coffin ready for a funeral that was held on the day after his death? It takes a lot of time to build such an elaborate coffin.
And why have the funeral so quickly? Some speculate that the immediacy was intended to make it as difficult as possible for the people who were Elvis's biggest fans (heads of fan clubs, etc.) to attend the proceedings. It could be a concern that they might recognize the flaws in the wax replica.
Elvis was an 8th degree black belt whose hands were rough with calluses, yet the body in the coffin had hands that were soft and pudgy. The body in the coffin had a pug nose and arched eyebrows (unlike Elvis) and most importantly, one of the sideburns on the "corpse" was loose and falling off. A hairdresser later reported gluing the sideburn back on the body.

Next we have the plethora of shennanigans that went down after his death was announced to the general public...
Two hours after Elvis's death was announced publicly, a man who reportedly looked remarkably like Elvis purchased a ticket for Buenos Aeries, paid in cash, and used the name John Burrows: the same name Elvis had used as an alias several times before.
Elvis had a few books that were considered to be his most prized possessions. He had a bible, several pharmaceutical books, books on death, and most importantly Chiro's Book of Numbers and The Autobiography of Yogi which I will explain more about later. After Elvis's death was announced, these books disappeared and were never recovered.
In the weeks preceding his alleged death, Elvis's actions were not those of a man who was about to embark on an extensive US tour. He ordered no new suits despite having gained 50 pounds since his last tour, and he bid "adios" at his last show in Hawaii. He had never done this before. Adios, like the French adieu, has the significance of being a final good-bye as opposed to an "I'll be seeing you on my next tour" kind of good-bye.
Others were intrigued by the King's decision to sign a lucrative TV deal with NBC that would cover the tour. It was unprecedented for a network to pay such a large amount up front, in cash, for such a deal. Many wonder why Elvis even agreed to the deal since his vanity discouraged him from making public appearances due to his obesity.
RCA showed uncanny (and unbelievable) foresight by mass producing millions of Elvis's current and previous recordings and merchandise. This is standard practice for an act that is about to go on tour, but the numbers in this case were beyond reasonable expectations. The announcement of Elvis's death caused record sales to skyrocket.
Elvis did other unusual things that created suspicion. First, he fired several employees that he had relied upon for a long time. Also, two days before his alleged death, Elvis telephoned a friend of his named Miss Foster. He told her that he wasn't planning on going on the upcoming tour. She asked him if he had canceled it, and he said that he had not. When she asked if he was ill, he said that he was fine, and that she should not ask any more questions or tell anyone anything, and that she should not believe anything she read. He told her that his troubles would all soon be over, and that he would call her in a few weeks. The author of Elvis Where Are You? writes that Miss Foster took a polygraph test regarding this story, and that she was not lying.
The day after Elvis's alleged death, a woman named Lucy De Barbon, a former lover of Elvis, received a single rose in the mail. The card indicated that the flower was from "El Lancelot." This had been her pet name for Elvis,???COINCIDENCE MUCH??? and it was a name that no one else knew. Flowers can't be sent from beyond the grave my friends. This was Elvis's way of letting her know that he was not dead, even though he didn't want to be found. hmm.....

All of this seem's a little crazy and you'd only be normal to think so but lets just say that he had faked his passing?why on earth would he want to give up his 'fantastic life'???...
Well the thing is that Elvis had many reasons to fake his death. Elvis's life was in danger. He had recently lost $10,000,000 in an airplane/real estate deal with a California based organization called the "Fraternity" that had links to the Mafia. It is speculated that he corroborated with the government to expose the organized crime ring in exchange for protection - perhaps in the form of a new life and identity compliments of the witness relocation program.
In addition, Elvis was a prisoner of his own fame. He had many other reasons to leave his life behind. Because of his incredible popularity, he was the recipient of several death threats, and he was concerned about the safety of his wife and daughter. Sometimes when he wanted to leave Graceland, he would send out look-alikes to distract would be followers. Elvis was also known to ride in the trunk of someone else's car to avoid detection. Once, when he fell ill in Las Vegas, he couldn't get proper medical attention because the hospital was overwhelmed by fans.
At the time of his alleged death, Elvis was nearing the end of his career. He was 42, his hair was graying, he was grossly overweight, and his voice was starting to weaken. He was going down hill, and he was too proud to go out with a whimper. He would never want his fans to see him in such an unhealthy condition.
Elvis had shown a fascination with death on several occasions. In the days leading up to his alleged death he was reported to have visited funeral homes at odd hours of the night with close friends. Was he doing research? Elvis once faked his death by setting up an elaborate shooting in which a would be killer fired blanks at Elvis who had a blood pack which he discharged. It was Elvis's intention to see how the people closest to him would react to his death. Perhaps what he learned convinced him to do it for real.
Finally, one of Elvis' favorite books is the spiritual Autobiography of Yogi. One of the central themes of this book is the relinquishing of one's wealth and earthly possessions to achieve spiritual oneness. Elvis could do this, as well as address his other concerns of sanity and safety by faking his death and living in exile.

In closing all i can do is give you the facts.It's up to you to make what you can out of them..until next time...
The truth is out there,

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The sinking of the Titanic was no accident!

Everyone on earth knows the tragic story of the Titanic ship that sank in 1912 (mostly because of the 1997 film) but what most of the people on earth don't know is that it was no accident!! Thats right,it was a planned disaster from the very beginning.

The Theory-

Whitestar Line was running up so much cost on their disaster of a ship 'The RMS Olympic' due to its constant repairs. They were also running up serious cost on building their new ship,the 'Titanic'... Bruce Ismay and J.P Morgan (The chairman and owner of Whitestar Line) came up with an idea to make back all their losses on both ships.
When the 'Titanic' was being built,it was next to the 'RMS Olympic' which was getting repaired in Belfast. So the pair planned to switch the I.D plates on the ships and let the very unreliable 'RMS Olympic' sail under the name Titanic. The reasoning behind this was they would let the ship sink and claim the colossal insurance money off the Titanic which would sink on her "maiden voyage." They would have another of their ships nearby as to save all the passengers and crew of the sunken ship so Whitestar line would be hailed as heroes.

The suspicious facts that back up the theory-

It is believed to be bad luck to rename a ship,which may explain the fact that as the Titanic was leaving Belfast one of her rooms was re-named "The Olympic room". Was this done by superstitious ship owners?

The day the passage was to begin, owner of Whitestar Line J.P Morgan cancelled his trip withholding any explanation as to why. Did he want to avoid the commotion that was to ensue?

The day of the sinking, the Titanic was given an unscheduled change of direction. Was this so they could get on course with an iceberg so as to sink the ship?However,this back fired horribly as it was this change in course that led to the ship being hours from any other ship to rescue them. Thus killing 1500 people.

Why did Bruce Ismay order the captain to go full steam ahead right after being given several ice berg warnings?

When a ship is sinking,it is a custom for the captain and the builder/owner of the ship to go down with it. The captain did his duty but Bruce Ismay escaped with his life on one of the life boats. Is this because he wasn't planning on dying,did he plan to survive the sinking from the very beginning of the voyage?

Its nearly 100 years later,and the question still remains- Could the sinking of the Titanic have been avoided?After this long,its hard to find the right answers. But as always,the team here at the spotlight of truth are doing our utmost to wade through the horse***t to give you the truth.

Until next time,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sam Cooke, Murdered.

Though Sam Cooke may not be commonly known among the youth of today, he was once described as the biggest rising star in the world. He is attributed with inventing soul music, also he was one of the first artists to get involved in the business side of music after creating his own record label. You may be asking what has this got to do with conspiracies? Well, the fact is Sam was taken from us far too early and didn't rise to the heights he was predicted to reach.
(If none of his songs spring to your mind try remember the film Hitch, Sam sang "Wonderful World" in the opening scene.)

Though he is remembered as a singing legend, the circumstances surrounding his death casted a shadow over his good character for years. However, I am here to clear a few things up.
On the night of December 11th 1964 Sam was shot and killed in a 3 dollar motel. He was killed by the hotel manager who claimed Sam broke in to her office/apartment wearing only an overcoat. He demanded to know the whereabouts of the female companion he came with. After she told him she was unaware of the girls location he was enraged and grabbed her by the wrist so she shot and killed him. She got self defense and didn't serve any time in prison.

Suspicious facts-

The female companion he was referring to was a woman he took up to his room. She escaped the room,rang the police stating he had kidnapped and attempted to rape her. Now, if this was true why would she have stolen money from him and taken his clothes on her way out?
If that wasn't suspicious enough,the woman was arrested a month later for being a prostitute.

Cooke's family firmly believe that the entire situation was a set up. They said that Franklin(the hotel manager),and Boyer(the prostitute) were lying to police to cover up a murder.
They said knowing Sam,he never had any trouble picking up women because of his superstar status so the fact that he tried to rape a prostitute is ludicrous. Also, he was a very classy man. He drove Ferraris,wore the finest clothes and stayed in the classiest of places. They are convinced that he wouldn't have stayed in a 3 dollar motel in a million years.

Another suspicious fact and probably the most telling factor of the theory comes from the auto- biography of a fellow soul star Etta James. She said she went to his funeral and saw the corpse. She stated in her book that he was so badly beaten it was though his head was close to decapitation. His hands were broken and smashed and his nose was disfigured. She believes that the injuries on Sam's body couldn't have occurred through the circumstances in which Franklin described that fateful night. Which begs the question,why would Franklin lie? and more importantly HOW DID SAM GET THOSE INJURIES?!!!

Sam was remembered for years for allegedly kidnapping and attempting to rape a woman. After the woman escaped he was shot for supposedly attacking the motel manager. HOWEVER,that previous statement is complete and utter bulls***! The fact is at that time, Sam could have had any woman in the world, why would he attempt to rape a proven prostitute?Also, why would she have robbed him of the cash he had on him and the clothes he must have taken off in the motel room if she was so keen on escaping his company?
How,if he was shot nearly immediately after breaking in to the motel office did he obtain such horrible injuries he was buried with?
His final words according to Franklin(who's testimony changed many times) were "Lady,you shot me?!"

Were the circumstances of the night dreamed up by Franklin and Boyer to cover up a murder? I believe so.

Will we ever know what really transpired the night the inventor of soul music was taken from us?Doubtful, but as always we are here to shine a light over the lies and try to reveal the truth. A true legend was taken from us, and no one was convicted. A man's reputation was tarnished for years due to the testimony of a lying motel manager and a prostitute!

R.I.P Sam Cooke.

Bringing you the truth as always,

Billy The Kid survived until the year 1950!

Many people believe Billy the kid was shot and killed by Pat Garrett in 1881...many people are wrong. In actual fact he lived to the ripe old age of 91,under many alias'. His final alias was Brushy Bill Roberts.

In 1948 William V. Morrison,a probate investigator went to Missouri to investigate a family will dispute. A man involved in the dispute was Jessie Evans,a well known associate of Billy the Kid. During the investigation they disucussed Billy, and Jessie stated that the kid had not been killed by Pat Garrett or any one else for that matter.He went on to say that he is living in Texas under the name Brushy Bill Roberts.

Intrigued by this, Morrison went and visited the man. Who at first denied being the kid but after his wife left the house he fuly confirmed the theory and that he had wanted to obtain the pardon he was promised by governor Wallace many years before hand.

Morrison interviewed Brushy Billy many times over the course of a few months and came to the conlusion that he knew far too much about Billy the Kid's life to have just read the information elsewhere. Also, Brushy Bill knew things about the kid that Historians at the time hadn't a notion about. Though Morrison needed more proof than that,so the pair went to New Mexico to meet his last remaining acquaintances. 3 of the 5 signed legal documents confirming the elderly man as Billy the kid,the other 2 agreed he was the kid, but did not want to get involved in legal proceedings.

According to Brushy Bill, Pat Garrett did kill a man the night the kid was alledgedly murdered. Conveniantly named Billy Barlow. Who according to sources was one year younger than Billy and was the spitting image of him. Could the pair have been confused for one another,yes...yes they could have. Very conveniant for Brushy Bill...not so much for poor Billy Barlow.

Brushy Bill was able to give a deatiled account(which Morrison recorded) of his life after he was supposedly killed. He claimed he had used 10 different alias' and had travelled all over the western states of the united states. He said he was arressted once after being recognised as the kid,but the case was thrown out.

Brushy Bill demonstrated to Morrison in a double jointed fashion, the trick Billy the Kid often used to escape prison. He could make his wrists bend in a certain way as to release him from handcuffs. I dare say this is not a common trate, but one that Brushy Bill and Billy the kid shared.

Other things the pair had in common : (these are facts not theory)
They were both confused as to being left handed when in actual fact they were both ambidextrous.
They were both blue eyed, 5 foot eight and similar weight. (Brushy Bill had gained over 20 pounds in the 70 odd years he lived after his alledged death)

On November 29th 1950 a hearing was scheduled to happen to decide if Brushy Bill Roberts was deserving of a pardon for Billy the kid. The hearing was supposed to be private, however word got out and when the old man and Morrison entered the court they were surrounded by media and 2 of Pat Garrett's sons and other relatives of victims of Billy the kid. Brushy Bill suffered a small stroke but decided to go ahead with the questions for the hearing. As a result of the stroke he was confused and disorientated and got some of the questions about his life wrong. The judge ruled against him,stating he didnt believe he was truly The Kid....(He was clearly a bad judge)

Brushy Bill Roberts died of a heart attack less than two months after the trial.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

aeroplanes - The bringers of death

Hi there, truth thinkers. This is again another exciting ride to the border of truth and then a leap far far beyond. Have you ever looked up at the sky on a clear day and seen aeroplanes going from place to place. Yeah? Well if you have then you must of noticed that behind those metal birds of the sky there was a pale trail following it. Yeah? Well let me then tell you the truth. That trail was not 'condensation trails' as the scientists would have you believe but are actually chemical death sprays that are killing you and your whole family. HEY WAKE UP. If you want to live in your fantasy dream world where people are just 'having a good time' then you probably would be better off just killing yourself.
Wait though, before we do anything rash we probably just have a look at the 'official' explanation. This is that contrails are artificial clouds that are the visible trails of condensed water vapour made by the exhaust of aircraft engines. As the hot exhaust gases cool in the surrounding air they may precipitate a cloud of microscopic water droplets. If the air is cold enough, this trail will comprise tiny ice crystals. Does that make sense? OF COURSE NOT. What the hell do they think we are? Mindless monkey flabber people? Well we ARE NOT.
The truth is that these are 'chemtrails' or in other words, trails of smelly horrible death. YES. And these are sprayed on you every single day. Otherwise why would the experts say this

"Chemtrails, coming from "chemical trails" in the same fashion that contrail comes from "condensation trail" is a term coined to suggest that contrails are formed by something other than a natural process of engine exhaust hitting the cold air in the atmosphere. Chemtrail conspiricists characterize these chemical trails as streams that persist for hours, and by their criss-crossing, grid-like patterns, or parallel stripes which eventually blend to form large clouds. Proponents view the presence of visible color spectra in the streams, unusual concentrations of sky tracks in a single area, or lingering tracks left by unmarked or military airplanes flying in atypical altitudes or locations as markers of chemtrails".

Spotlight of truth - 1
'Contrails' - 0

Never fear friend, I have my marvellous nose on the trail to the truth. Once again the mould of cons has been shifted by the suffocating heat of our spotlight. Our spotlight of truth.


perpetual war: the circle of hell

That's right, it's time again to dive into the deepend of false water and swim to the surface of truth with your sometimes guide. Me. So folks today is a day you'll learn of grinding gears of our economy. Have you ever heard of the military-industrial complex? This is the cog that is driving our world into conflict and war for the betterment of the 'elite'. This 'elite' want to suck the very lifeforce from your bodies with some form of straw into order to MAKE MONEY. This is why there is conflict in the middle east or as the 'elite' call it the 'the playground'. It's true. These monsters live on fear and misdirection as if it was soup in order to gain an extra buck. Over one an a half trillion was spend on global conflict last year. Does that sound like POCKET MONEY.
With this demon breed, the world could return to peace and happiness, instead they have us living in fear and constant annoyance. WHY? Because the sheep-people that live on this earth are too scared to stand up and say, you know what I do not want to support a captialist free market economy with advantages to the individual based on social and financial support, with no controls placed on thematic forward expansion in a credible and flexible framework. WELL it's time to stand up and demand change.
Listen I'm just one of the little guys, I do not have a mansion or a beautiful girl that I have a realtionship with (realtionship could be anything really, I'm not pushy.) I'm one of you. Smarter but otherwise the same. The same but different. I am not going to just stand and let the MILITARY-INDUSTRY complex away with ruling this planet. I LIVE HERE. And I'm not going to put up with it anymore.
It's time for a wake up call people.
Spotlight of truth - 1
Military-Industry complex - 0
Thanks for the calls keep 'em pouring in. Once again the wet seaweed of dishonesty is dried by the powerful focus of our spotlight. Our spotlight of truth.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mars - The pale horseman

Hey Hey, freedom goers, I have been business tracking down the secret information that the GOVERMENT does not want you to see. WHY? Because if you saw this information you would sell everything that you own or more likely simply lose your mind. WHY? I shall tell you.
So have you ever heard about a little thing called SPACE? Yes the space that you see on TV everyday. So what, you say? How does this matter? Because everyday as you sit around with all the other radio controlled drugbots, NASA are sending spaceships into space. Oh great, is that not a good thing? NO. IT's NOT. The real reason behind all of these 'science' missions is not to further our understanding but to kill it. NASA is bring ALIENS to earth. Ok aliens, you say. YES ALIENS. Everyday the come to this planet. Do they look like ET? NO. They do not. This aliens are the size of peanut dust and invade the thinking cells in our brains. THINK ABOUT IT. We went to space, why did we then have to go back? Because after the first faithful journey the peanut dust space aliens had possessed the mind of

Yuri Gagarin

and that is why they had to go back. Because they were TOLD TO. Where are we going next? To Mars. What is Mars made of? DUST. And that's why the big shots in NASA are thinking of going there, to collect enough dust so they can invade the mind of everyone on the planet. Oh that does make sense, you say, but wait I have not told you the worst part of it yet. If you have a weak heart or other medical conditions I advise you to stop reading now. WARNING. In the year 2018 NASA will be returning a sample of toxic Mars dust. This is how long we have to stop it, after that, BANG game over.
For the sake of death dust from another planet, do we really want to risk our children? I know I do not.
NASA - 0
Thanks again for all the messages and calls guys, remember the world needs us. Once again the sinister cloud of disinformation have faded before the gentle blaze of our spotlight. Our spotlight of truth.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bilderberg - The hounds of hell

Hey everyone, I'm back, the man they can't keep silent. Today I will share with you the people that keep you as SLAVES. Yes, SLAVES. What you say? How could this be? I don't have bars on my windows, I have a nice car. WAKE UP.
The bilderberg group, or people who hate people, as I call them, meet one a year to plot how to make your life totally crap. Why? Because they are horribly rich and bored and get their kicks by making you work like a monkey child while they eat all the nuts. Oh! that sounds interesting, I hear you say, I think I'll check out their website. WELL good luck cause they don't have one. So why would a seemingly normal social club not have a website? Because they OWN THE INTERNET. It's so obvious. WAKE UP.
So that's it, huh? You're just going to let other people take all the decisions that YOU should be making. GREAT. Well I hope you don't mind if me and all the people that love LIFE and FREEDOM will take a miss at the 9 to 5 slaughterhouse.
OK so why don't we all go to the next bilderberg group meeting and ask them why they need to feast on the souls of the innocent? Because YOU are not invited. NO. They would prefere to invite heads of state, bankers, and other 'important' people, not YOU. In other words, the bilderberg group doesn't think that you are important. Why? Because you are a SLAVE to them. They HATE you.
When is their next meeting? Why do they meet? What do they discuss? Who will be there? They won't tell anyone these things and why would they. If you where at the zoo would you pause and talk to the cleaning staff? NO. Why? Because WHO CARES? That is what the bilderberg thinks of you, that you are a great big IDIOT that isn't important enough to be invited to their meetings. So yeah, enjoy living 'LIFE' and doing things that you enjoy because sometime soon the bilderberg devils will be sitting down to write their SATANIC contracts and YOU will be out and about your day complete unaware about what they ARE TALKING ABOUT.
Oh! and thanks for all you that sent in emails about my last post. You defenders of liberty make it all worth while.
As always the blooms of lies wither under the heat of our spotlight. Our spotlight of truth.


Monday, March 1, 2010

HAARP - The ultimate weapon

Hi all truth junkies, today I will disclose for your waiting ears the truth about American greatest weapon, HAARP. Sure it has the innocent sounding name of High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program but this doesn't fool a clean cut follower of truth such as myself. If it really was just performing high frequency active auroral research then why would it be funded by DARPA, and the US military? Why? Because that is just science rubbish talk for the cowards in the US goverment to hide behind.
HAARP or as I like to call it, the kill switch, is suppose to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for 'science'. Do these people think that we're idiots? Obviously NOT! The truth is that HAARP is controlling our weather. What right do these people have to control the weather? huh? THINK ABOUT IT. Not only does this death machine have the ability to control the weather but it can also create earthquakes. Does this ring any bells? Heard of any earthquakes lately? Sure if you go to their website you can contact for inquiries of a technical nature, I suppose my email about looking out for Joe Soap wasn't 'technical' enough. About Freedom and preserving the rights of our animals to migrate in peace. No. "Sorry sir", ok first of all, no, you're not sorry, if you were sorry you would stop being evil.
Hey, you seem like a rational, pretty hip individual, I heard you cry, why don't you just pop in there and stick it to the man. Yeah, I was in my car and on my way to their 'Office of Public Affiars' until I saw the address, get this,
Air Force Research Laboratory
3550 Aberdeen Ave S.E.
Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5776
AIR FORCE RESEACH LABORATORY! What! Do they think that I'm stupid? I'm just going to walk into their research laboratory so they can perform their perverted science experiments on me. I'M NOT STUPID. What further proof do you people need?
Oh, you're obviously totally right, I hear you say, but I'm not convinced. Well why don't you go have a look at the privacy notice on their website. huh? I did and guess what, right there they say QUOTE "this government computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic". Why? So they can find out where the clear thinking leaders of tomorrow live and use their precious HAARP machine to erase their minds. YES. It is time for all you people to wake up and smell the coffee that the US military uses to disguise the lies that they tell everyday.
If HAARP goals were really "The fundamental goal of research conducted at HAARP is knowledge; to explore and to understand natural phenomena occurring in the Earth's ionosphere and near-space environment. Information derived from this research will have major value in the design of future communication and navigation systems for both military and civilian use." Then why wouldn't it have a visitor's center? It just DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
Now you know the truth. Not the LIES. The truth.
So when you tuck your loved one into bed, just pause and think, do you real want the US goverment to control earthquakes? I know I don't. As always the facade of untruth melts before the glare of our spotlight. Our spotlight of truth.